We're a small, family-run British business (read Our Story), with more canine employees than humans. Christine and Jenny co-founded Charley Chau but it's our cheekly little gang of Italian Greyhounds who are the real inspriation behind the brand.

Christine - Co-Founder
Self-confesssed crazy dog lady, designs all of the beautiful beds and blankets in the Charley Chau collection. Totally obsessed with details.

Jenny - Co-Founder
Another self-confessed crazy dog lady, looks after all of our customers so that their dogs always end up with the perfect Charley Chau.

Ray - Intern
The baby of our gang, our own little ray of sunshine who joined us all the way from LA in December 2024. Ray is already the boss of Brutus.

Brutus - Head of Handsomeness
The handsome one, all the way from Pittsburgh, USA. UK Top Italian Greyhound 2023, Top Male IG 2024, and the only IG in history to gain a US Champion title in one day.

Mabel - Queen of Cosy
Gorgeous and goofy! Mabel spends most of her days dreaming up ways to hunt food whilst lounging elegantly on Charley Chau beds. Mabel is the absolute queen of cosy!

Theo - Top Dog Model
Our top dog model, the original American Boy. Theo, aka Little Stinkster, he knows how to work it and strike the perfect pose so you'll see him a lot on this website.

Tino - Performance Expert
AKA Little Ninja Dog. Possibly the bounciest dog ever born and Mabel's best friend. Spends most of his days cleaning Mabel's ears.
Anna Bananna - the most beautiful and gentle girl in the world. Anna crossed the rainbow bridge at the ripe old age of 16 and is still so, so missed.
The one and only. Our first IG, who we named the comapny after. Charley changed our lives forever and I will be eternally grateful to my beautiful boy.