Clean Dogs Are Happy Dogs
Despite our best efforts to keep them clean, most dogs prefer eau de stinky to the human-pleasing aroma of squeaky clean. Fresh and clean smells can often irritate a dog’s senses, resulting in them hankering for more natural scents such as a pile of mud or another dog’s butt!
So, it’s in your dog’s best interest to let them smell like … well, a dog. But keeping their beds clean is another matter. A dirty dog bed can be a health hazard. We look at why, and share easy dog bed cleaning tips.
Not just a stinky dog bed
Dogs pick up a lot of muckiness in their daily life and their fur also makes a welcoming home for pests such as ticks, mites and fleas - all of which can go back to their beds and blankets. In the winter months particularly, damp can cause nasties to grow in the fabric of a dog’s bed, and while rare, dogs can also carry bacteria like E. coli and salmonella on their paws if they step on something unpleasant during a walk, putting them at a health risk.
With all these unwanted visitors vying for a spot in your dog’s bed, it's important to regularly clean your furry friend’s bedding to stop all these pet perils interfering with your dog’s health and happiness.
1. According to PetMD, dog beds and blankets should be washed once a week or at a minimum of once every two weeks to maintain the optimum health and hygiene for their bed. We mirror this advice.
3. Wash your dog’s bed at the right temperature – we advise 30 degrees because it’s still delicate enough not to cause the bed’s fabric to shrink, bobble or change texture, so your purchase remains unspoilt. With the anti-bacterial waterproof liner on our memory foam mattress, the temperature can go higher to 60 degrees.
4. Use an antibacterial, pet-friendly washing powder or liquid to kill bacteria. Should your dog have soiled their bed, an enzyme cleaner will get rid of pet odours and stains, which in the case of pet urine might stop repeat ‘marking’ behaviours from happening.
5. After washing, ensure your dog’s bed cover or bed is thoroughly dry. Lots of our bed fabrics and double fleece blankets can be dried on a gentle setting in the tumble dryer. But if you want to keep your energy consumption down, try air-drying naturally on a rack, in an airing cupboard or in natural sunlight. However, avoid drying directly on a radiator as the direct heat can affect certain fabrics such as Velour and Faux-Furs.
6. Protect the bed mattress with a waterproof mattress liner. Not only will it protect the mattress from moisture but it will also help to stop animal dander, dust and dirt from settling in the mattress (all tempting foods for dust mites), so your dog has a more hygienically clean environment to sleep in. The addition of a liner also means less washing for you, as you don’t need to wash the entire bed when wash day comes around.

7. Invest in spare covers, so your dog never needs to go without their bed on wash days (or if they have an accident!). This isn’t something that’s widely available from most dog bed companies, but spare covers are available for all our fabric beds.
8. Add a blanket. Not only will it help against the cold but adding a blanket to your pup’s bed will help keep the bed cleaner for longer, as it protects against muddy paws, fur, odours and general muckiness. Plus blankets are much easier and quicker to wash than a bed. Charley Chau’s Double Fleece Blanket are moisture-wicking to dry quickly, so they will stop a damp dog spoiling the bed too!
9. Maintain your dog’s bed in between washes. Clear off excess fur and dirt with the fabric brush/attachment on your vacuum - or try running a lint roller or a slightly wet rubber gloved hand over the dog’s bed to similar effect. Pet wipes are also effective at cleaning off mud and general dog ickiness. Intelligent fabrics such as Faroe (available on our Bliss, Snuggle and Day Beds) can help too, as it’s treated with a stain guard making it ideal for spot-cleaning.
Clean beds for puddle worshippers and mud lovers
We have a range of uniquely designed, carefully constructed dog beds that can be purchased with the addition of waterproof liner, making it super easy to maintain a clean dog bed. So, your dog will be healthy and happy in bed all because of you. Shop your dog’s happy winter sleep with Charley Chau.